Spontaneous art expression is without evaluation or critique.
Emphasis is on the person and the process and not on the product.
The process of art therapy is based on the recognition that man’s most fundamental thoughts and feelings, derived from the unconscious, reach expression in images rather than words.
(Naumberg 1958: 511)
Art therapy can help people visually express emotions and fears that they cannot express through conventional means, and can give them some sense of control and empowerment over these feelings.
Painful emotions and traumas are stored in the brain in the form of images. Therefore, it is easier to express these feelings through art, especially when it seems that the language to express them is not present.
Art therapy can help people visually express emotions and fears.
About Art Therapy
Human beings think in images. Painful emotions and traumas are stored in the brain in the form of images. Therefore, it is easier to express these feelings through art, especially when it seems that the language to express them is not present.
Art Therapy can provide a connection to emotions and difficult issues that have been impossible to access through other means. It can facilitate emotional expression, self-awareness and positive change. Art Therapy can be an extremely effective treatment modality for people who find it difficult to express their issues verbally. Spontaneous art expression is without evaluation or critique. Emphasis is on the person and the process and not on the product.
Clients do not need any art background or artistic skill in order to participate or benefit from the Art Therapy process.
Art Therapy is beneficial for all ages – children, adolescents and adults.
Who Art Therapy Helps
Art Therapy has proven successful in supporting those dealing with some of the following issues and challenges:
- Trauma
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anger Management
- Explosive Behaviour
- Addictions
- Learning Disabilities
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Sexual, Physical and Emotional Abuse
- Mental Health Issues
- Domestic Violence
- Loss and Grief
- Marital Conflict
- Family Breakdown
- Eating Disorders
- Self-harm
- Chronic Illness
About Art Therapy
Human beings think in images. Painful emotions and traumas are stored in the brain in the form of images. Therefore, it is easier to express these feelings through art, especially when it seems that the language to express them is not present.
Art Therapy can provide a connection to emotions and difficult issues that have been impossible to access through other means. It can facilitate emotional expression, self-awareness and positive change. Art Therapy can be an extremely effective treatment modality for people who find it difficult to express their issues verbally.
Spontaneous art expression is without evaluation or critique. Emphasis is on the person and the process and not on the product.
Clients do not need any art background or artistic skill in order to participate or benefit from the Art Therapy process.
Art Therapy is beneficial for all ages – children, adolescents and adults.

About Who Art Therapy Can Help
Human beings think in images. Painful emotions and traumas are stored in the brain in the form of images. Therefore, it is easier to express these feelings through art, especially when it seems that the language to express them is not present.
Art Therapy can provide a connection to emotions and difficult issues that have been impossible to access through other means. It can facilitate emotional expression, self-awareness and positive change. Art Therapy can be an extremely effective treatment modality for people who find it difficult to express their issues verbally.
Spontaneous art expression is without evaluation or critique. Emphasis is on the person and the process and not on the product.
Clients do not need any art background or artistic skill in order to participate or benefit from the Art Therapy process.
Art Therapy is beneficial for all ages – children, adolescents and adults.